Creating solutions to problems is what we love to do. Whether we are designing a new product or engineering out weight in an existing product, this is where we excel.
As an inherent part of the design and manufacturing process, it is imperative that Pressmark has the ability to support customers in the art of tool making.
Sheet metal forming processes such as bending, blanking, drawing, flanging and hemming are all processes that allow customers to save money over traditional processes such as forging or machining.
Multiple pressings are often fabricated in to a more complex product. To reduce customers lead times, costs and supplier base, Pressmark offer these value added services.
As markets continue to develop, customers expect more value for money. By assembling finished products, Pressmark offer a one-stop shop for those forward thinking customers.
In todays consumer led market, spare parts are expected without delay. Through this service, Pressmark can ensure the availability of aftermarket products to satisfy immediate demands.